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Partnering for Prosperity

Our Partnerships

SDTC’s goal is to support the entire entrepreneurial journey: seed, start-up and scale-up. Our approach is to think bigger, bolder and better by working with a network of partners, including accelerators and incubators, provincial and federal governments and the private sector to seek out talent across Canada.

With our partners, we streamline funding opportunities and actively work to identify companies that may be eligible for funding.

Provincial – Federal – Seed

Provincial Partnerships

The following partnerships support relevant provincial projects. From Alberta to Quebec, these various provincial services have a goal in alignment with SDTC; supporting sustainable development. These partnerships are ideal resources to reach out to while creating an SDTC application.

BC Innovative Clean Energy (ICE) Fund

The ICE Fund is a Special Account, funded through a levy on certain energy sales, designed to support the province’s energy, economic, environmental and greenhouse gas reduction priorities, and to advance B.C.’s clean energy sector.

Alberta Innovates

Alberta Innovates – Energy and Environment Solutions (AI-EES) is the lead agency for advancing energy and environmental technology innovation in Alberta.

Emissions Reductions Alberta

Emissions Reduction Alberta (ERA) evolved from Alberta’s Climate Change and Emissions Management (CCEMC) Corporation. ERA works collaboratively with Government, industry and the innovation community to secure a lower-carbon future for Alberta.

Ontario’s Target GHG Collaborative Technology Development Program

Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) drives the development of Ontario’s economy by helping create new jobs, products, services, technologies and businesses.

Transition énergétique Québec (TEQ) – Technoclimat

Transition énergétique Québec (TEQ), through the Technoclimat program, and SDTC have partnered to support and strengthen companies developing innovative clean-energy projects and technologies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG).

Federal Partnerships

The following partnerships aim to support projects across Canada. These partnerships are targeted to complement SDTC Funding - portfolio companies have access to formal federal support as they complete their funded projects.

Clean Growth Hub

Through Budget 2017 the Government of Canada created the Clean Growth Hub, an interdepartmental team co-chaired by Natural Resources Canada and Innovation, Science and Economic Development with a mandate to help clean technology producers and users navigate the Government of Canada’s clean technology programs. SDTC is providing in-kind staff support to the Hub.

Export Development Canada

Export Development Canada provides Canadian exporters with trade financing, exporting credit insurance and bonding services, as well as foreign market expertise.

Business Development Canada

BDC is Canada’s business development bank and the only financial institution dedicated exclusively to entrepreneurs. Its mission is to help create and develop strong Canadian businesses through financing, advisory services and indirect financing, with a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises.

Innovation Asset Collective

Innovation Asset Collective (IAC) is an independent, membership-based not-for-profit selected by the Canadian Government’s Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) to assist Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the data-driven sustainable technologies sector with their intellectual property needs. All SDTC-funded companies are offered membership with the IAC, granting them access to workshops, market intelligence and other resources to strengthen their IP strategies.

Innovation Governance Program

Responding to Canada’s need for qualified directors and increased diversity on corporate boards, the Innovation Governance Program (iGP) is a new executive leadership program that will train current and future board members in key areas of importance in the intangible economy. Through the iGP, company leadership teams, advisors and board directors can take executive training to build the skills and resources they need to scale up globally.

Seed Funding

Our seed funding matches promising early-stage sustainability entrepreneurs with a one-time contribution of $50,000 to $100,000.

SDTC works with Canadian accelerators to identify entrepreneurs who will become tomorrow’s sustainability leaders. Interested? Contact our current accelerator partners. Or check out our Seed Funding Application Guide for a comprehensive outline of eligibility requirements and the process.

Curious about the companies we’ve funded?

Visit Our Companies and click SEED on the categories tab.