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Supporting your journey to commercialization

About us

SDTC is an outcomes-based investor, driving impact through the economic and environmental returns of the technologies we fund.  

We have more than 200 companies in our portfolio today, representing every province in this country and touching every economic sector. 

Statistics Canada data shows our companies regularly outperform other small and medium-sized businesses. Every $1 SDTC has invested since 2001 has resulted in more than $7 in follow-on financing from the public and private sectors. 

Visit Our Companies to learn more about the technologies we fund.

What Sets Us Apart

To ensure we are delivering for entrepreneurs, SDTC conducts market research. The entrepreneurs we serve identified what they value most about our offerings:


SDTC helps Canadian companies develop and deploy sustainable technology solutions by providing entrepreneurs with the right support at the right time to advance their transformative ideas.


SDTC funding serves as a springboard to help companies unlock future investment, customers and support. SDTC’s thorough financial and technical due diligence of companies is trusted by the market, and successful completion of this due diligence unlocks further funding for companies.


By leveraging expertise across Canada and working closely with federal, provincial, and private sector partners, SDTC is better positioned to provide firms with the support they need. We coordinate a one-window approach with partners to simplify the application process for entrepreneurs.


The individuals at SDTC are experts on how sustainable technology is being advanced in Canada through hundreds of projects and companies we’ve worked with, as well as our leading private sector experts who sit on our board of directors. This is most evident in our due diligence process and follow-on support.


SDTC is technology diverse. We fund across all sectors to support entrepreneurs whose ideas have the potential to deliver environmental and economic outcomes for Canada. We measure sustainability impact in three areas: climate change; circular economy; and people, nature and communities.


Click the button above to download our annual report and see real results that SDTC-funded companies are delivering for Canada’s environment and economy.

SDTC at a glance

SDTC is a catalyst in the Canadian innovation ecosystem

SDTC has a strong reputation for nurturing the cleantech innovation ecosystem and serving entrepreneurs across the country, delivering long-term environmental and economic prosperity to Canadians.  

Over our 22-year history, we have developed a unique knowledge and talent base that is unparalleled, one that has worked closely with entrepreneurs and assisted them in catapulting Canada to the forefront of the global cleantech industry. SDTC is often cited as a key catalyst in the Canadian cleantech and innovation ecosystem.  

To learn more about what we do and our impact on the Canadian innovation ecosystem, read our latest Annual Report.