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Access to Information and Privacy Act

SDTC is subject to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act, which provide a process to request access to any record of certain institutions of the federal government.

This page outlines the guidelines of these acts, shows how to initiate a request, and presents a record of previous administration of the acts. Please refer to Info Source (PDF) to find out what Sustainable Development Technology Canada does and what information it holds.

Access to Information Act

The Access to Information Act is a federal statute that provides a process for Canadian citizens, permanent residents, persons physically in Canada, or corporations present in Canada to request access to any record of certain institutions of the federal government. These institutions, such as SDTC, are required to provide access to records under their control upon receiving a formal request for information made pursuant to the Access to Information Act unless the records or portion thereof are exempted or excluded from disclosure.

Privacy Act

The Privacy Act provides Canadian citizens, permanent residents or individuals present in Canada with the right of access to personal information held about them by federal government institutions, such as STDC. It also protects against unauthorized disclosure of that personal information. The Privacy Act strictly governs how federal government institutions will collect, use, store, disclose and dispose of any personal information.

Our Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) office is responsible for receiving and responding to all requests submitted under the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.

Initiating an Access to Information and Privacy Request

The first step in making an Access to Information or Privacy request is to determine who holds the records. Please refer to Info Source (PDF) to find out what Sustainable Development Technology Canada does and what information it holds.

To determine if another department or agency holds the information you are seeking, please contact one of the Access to Information and Privacy Coordinators, listed by organization.

Summaries of completed Access to Information requests are available from the Government of Canada’s Open Government portal. They are made available on the portal within 30 calendar days after the end of each month.

Submitting an online request

The Access to Information and Privacy Online Request Service offers a convenient way to make:

  • an access to information request
  • a personal information request

This service:

  • enables individuals to make an online request for information that is held by a Government of Canada institution
  • eliminates the need to print, scan, and email or mail a form to an institution
  • Submit an online request for information

Mailing your request

To make a request by mail, please complete either the Access to Information Request Form or the Personal Information Request Form.

Mail your request to:

Access to Information and Privacy Services
Sustainable Development Technology Canada
1850-45 O’Connor Street, Ottawa ON K1P 1A4

Please note that a $5 application fee applies to only Access to Information requests.

There is no fee for requests for your personal information.